Qi Gong

Qigong Evening Class in English | Zurich




Kurs Beschreibung

Discover the secrets of the Chinese Masters. In only 15 minutes a day you can achieve much:

• Relax, find your inner peace, reduce stress.
• Strengthen your health and feel more energized
• Improve your mental and physical performance

You will learn exercises from the 18 Lohan Hands and the 18 Jewels. Enjoy the skill to be relaxed and focused at the same time and discover how to generate and use a Chi Flow.

The class takes place every Thursday evening in Zurich Albisrieden from 7-8pm

Course cost: 10 evenings 280 CHF or Half-year 500 CHF
You may join the first evening as a trial class. Please send me a mail to schedule your first class.

All our classes are billingual English/German.


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